Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership

Fertility pregnancy and beyond
Appointments: 01603 555206 | Email Us

Success Stories

What our patients say...

  • “We were considering IVF when we came across NNFP. Charlotte and Kate were really professional and thorough and clearly have a great understanding of both eastern and western medicine. Their program is fairly intensive and requires a lot of commitment, but within 6 months of beginning treatment with them, not only were we the healthiest we'd ever been, but we had also conceived our wonderful daughter.

    I'm sure this would not have been possible to achieve naturally without their help. ”

  • “After trying for a baby for over 3 years we were about to start down the route of IVF when a friend of ours suggested we tried something else first. She had been to see Charlotte about other issues and knew she specialised in fertility and suggested we got in touch.

    We found Charlotte to be very welcoming and immediately put us at ease. We felt comfortable talking about a difficult subject and emotional subject. She was extremely thorough with taking a medical history and explained our test results from the doctor really clearly which helped us to understand our situation better. We decided to put off IVF for 6 months. Charlotte put myself on a comprehensive homeopathic programme and also gave my husband some remedies. She also talked at length about diet, nutrition and lifestyle. We followed all her advice to the letter and we conceived our little boy 5 months later. He is now 2.5 and I am expecting a little girl in July again thanks to Charlotte and her unfaltering care and attention.

    We recommended her another friend and she too now has a little boy. We would recommend her again without hesitation.”

  • “At the age of 35 we decided to start a family. Unfortunately I had two miscarriages and when I had some check-ups I found out that my FSH was 11.9 aged 39. I also tried IVF but it didn’t work either. I was reading a lot and I decided to try acupuncture as my last resort. I started looking for an acupuncturist and my choice was with Kate McDougall. After just one session on a specific day I fell pregnant and had first 12 weeks acupuncture appointments and 9 months later miracle happened in our family – our daughter was born!

    My husband and I to date still use Kate's treatments for our ailments with great success.”

  • “We had 3 failed rounds of IVF behind us and felt that it was time to stop trying as we are ‘older’. P’s cousin came to us and confided that she had been to see Charlotte for help with conceiving her daughter. We had no idea! We were a little apprehensive about opening that painful box again but Charlotte was so positive whilst being very realistic. We felt that we would give it one more go so that we knew we had tried everything.

    10 months, lots of homeopathic remedies and a few dietary changes later, we conceived our gorgeous little boy. Our family is now complete.”

  • “Supportive, kind, understanding, extremely knowledgeable, no-nonsense, funny, gentle, patient, open, honest, invaluable.....these are the words that come to mind when we think of Charlotte.

    We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for never giving up on us, when many had and for helping to make our dream come true and bring Lilia Charlotte Rose in to our lives.”

  • “I was recommended to see Charlotte by a friend at work. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my late teens and was told to expect fertility problems and after 5yrs of trying, I was resigned to having to go through IVF to conceive. My sister had been to see Charlotte for hormone imbalances and suggested I had a chat to her. Charlotte explained everything involved in her fertility programme and I was really impressed by how in depth everything was.

    Not only did I fall pregnant within 9 months, I felt completely supported through my pregnancy and I have never felt healthier despite the lack of sleep!”

  • “After several miscarriages, we thought we would never be parents. No one could find a reason why it was happening, so we decided to try a different approach and found Charlotte. She was really understanding and sympathetic and for the first time we felt really listened to. She went through everything including what we ate, even chemicals that we were in contact with on a daily basis! She went through everything with a fine toothcomb and organised a toxicity and mineral analysis.

    The test results showed I had a higher than average level of a mineral which was potentially causing an imbalance and a slightly high level of a heavy metal. She gave me lots of remedies to take and some lifestyle advice and 4 months later, we conceived again. It was such a happy time but also one filled with anxiety.

    I continued to see Charlotte for regular sessions throughout my pregnancy and she was there every step of the way, supporting and reassuring. I got to 12 weeks, the furthest I’d ever been and after the scan we were so overjoyed. We are now the proud parents of a healthy little boy and I am 6 months pregnant with our second baby.

    Thank you Charlotte aka Sherlock Holmes!”

  • “Thank you Charlotte for all you have done for us. Without you, your knowledge and your endless support and not forgetting those fantastic remedies - we don’t think we would be where we are now. You have done for us what many couldn’t - made us parents.

    There are not enough words to express our gratitude.”

  • “My husband and I tried to conceive for 3 and 1/2 years with no joy. I knew I would find it harder as I had only one fallopian tube after a ruptured ectopic pregnancy many years before but after a year of trying, I went to my GP. Long waiting ensued until eventually a specialist scanned me and provided the extra blow that I also had PCOS and that bloods showed I was not ovulating. The NHS put me on a first course of Clomid a year and a half into first trying to conceive and it was at this time that I started going to acupuncture sessions with a different practitioner in Norwich. I had fortnightly sessions throughout the 3 cycles of Clomid. Whilst I was ovulating in these cycles, I did not conceive.

    The specialist then recommended IVF treatment at Bourn Hall in Cambridge and I continued my fortnightly acupuncture sessions alongside reflexology, supplements which I had read about, exercise and a cleaned up diet. Our first IVF produced lots of eggs but a small number of poorer quality blastocysts.

    After picking ourselves up we started the 2nd attempt 5 months later with renewed vigour. It was at this time that I came under Kate's care for acupuncture. Kate took me firmly (but reassuringly) in hand and examined my diet, exercise and supplement regime in detail and gave fantastic advice I'd never got before. I popped in to the clinic one Saturday when my husband and I are were at a very low ebb and just needed some reassurance, Kate took the time to ease our cares without us booking an appointment for which I know my husband was very grateful and despite not being a 'believer', concluded I was in very good hands after meeting Kate.

    In this 2nd cycle under Kate's care, the blastocyst quality for all was top notch. However, we got a negative result. I still continued going to Kate after this blow and continuing her advice whilst prepping for a FET. Well, we didn't have to wait long - 20 days after this failed 2nd cycle, I became pregnant naturally! This was about 4 months into my time with Kate. I am now 24 weeks pregnant and I still can't believe it. The future looked grim - one tube and I probably only ovulated occasionally. I loved acupuncture at the time for the relaxing time out aspects which I needed in a busy schedule as a teacher. It soothed me and gave me purpose. I was not sure how much I believed it was 'fixing' my messed up hormones and cycle but now I am convinced it really did.”

  • “After having a child from a previous marriage at 30 I had moved on with my new partner and wanted to try for a baby. It was 10 years on from my first child and I was now a woman of 40. Having tried naturally and fallen pregnant on two occasions I was devastated when both the pregnancies ended in early miscarriages. I consulted my GP who advised that, due to my age and that I had a previous child, I would not be eligible for any assistance under the NHS.

    Saddened by this we decided to obtain private healthcare assistance. We were advised that if we considered IVF then we would have a chance of success but with a donor egg. We discussed this and decided that this was not an option and it was at this point I decided to look at alternative solutions. I therefore looked on line and discovered the Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership. I made contact and had the consultation with Charlotte and Kate and decided to give it a go. I had to make a massive change to both diet and lifestyle but one that with the guidance of the NNFP felt natural and felt I was taking a positive step towards obtaining my goal. I took homeopathic and herbal remedies, had acupuncture and tried to adopt a more positive attitude attuned to nature.

    After 8 months on the programme I found myself pregnant! Charlotte's support continued throughout my pregnancy. On the 26/ 04/2014 at the age of 44, I gave birth (naturally) to a beautiful healthy baby girl, named Rosa! Charlotte and Kate are both amazing people extremely knowledgeable in their fields of expertise. I would strongly recommend and endorse their programme and can honestly say that I would not have had this miracle baby without their help and for that I will be eternally grateful to them.”

“We were considering IVF when we came across NNFP. Charlotte and Kate were really professional and thorough and clearly have a great understanding of both eastern and western medicine. Their program is fairly intensive and requires a lot of commitment, but within 6 months of beginning treatment with them, not only were we the healthiest we'd ever been, but we had also conceived our wonderful daughter.

I'm sure this would not have been possible to achieve naturally without their help. ”

Anonymous, 2014

“We were considering IVF when we came across NNFP. Charlotte and Kate were really professional and thorough and clearly have a great understanding of both eastern and western medicine. Their program is fairly intensive and requires a lot of commitment, but within 6 months of beginning treatment with them, not only were we the healthiest we'd ever been, but we had also conceived our wonderful daughter.

I'm sure this would not have been possible to achieve naturally without their help. ”

Anonymous, 2014

“After trying for a baby for over 3 years we were about to start down the route of IVF when a friend of ours suggested we tried something else first. She had been to see Charlotte about other issues and knew she specialised in fertility and suggested we got in touch.

We found Charlotte to be very welcoming and immediately put us at ease. We felt comfortable talking about a difficult subject and emotional subject. She was extremely thorough with taking a medical history and explained our test results from the doctor really clearly which helped us to understand our situation better. We decided to put off IVF for 6 months. Charlotte put myself on a comprehensive homeopathic programme and also gave my husband some remedies. She also talked at length about diet, nutrition and lifestyle. We followed all her advice to the letter and we conceived our little boy 5 months later. He is now 2.5 and I am expecting a little girl in July again thanks to Charlotte and her unfaltering care and attention.

We recommended her another friend and she too now has a little boy. We would recommend her again without hesitation.”

W&M, Diss

“After trying for a baby for over 3 years we were about to start down the route of IVF when a friend of ours suggested we tried something else first. She had been to see Charlotte about other issues and knew she specialised in fertility and suggested we got in touch.

We found Charlotte to be very welcoming and immediately put us at ease. We felt comfortable talking about a difficult subject and emotional subject. She was extremely thorough with taking a medical history and explained our test results from the doctor really clearly which helped us to understand our situation better. We decided to put off IVF for 6 months. Charlotte put myself on a comprehensive homeopathic programme and also gave my husband some remedies. She also talked at length about diet, nutrition and lifestyle. We followed all her advice to the letter and we conceived our little boy 5 months later. He is now 2.5 and I am expecting a little girl in July again thanks to Charlotte and her unfaltering care and attention.

We recommended her another friend and she too now has a little boy. We would recommend her again without hesitation.”

W&M, Diss

“At the age of 35 we decided to start a family. Unfortunately I had two miscarriages and when I had some check-ups I found out that my FSH was 11.9 aged 39. I also tried IVF but it didn’t work either. I was reading a lot and I decided to try acupuncture as my last resort. I started looking for an acupuncturist and my choice was with Kate McDougall. After just one session on a specific day I fell pregnant and had first 12 weeks acupuncture appointments and 9 months later miracle happened in our family – our daughter was born!

My husband and I to date still use Kate's treatments for our ailments with great success.”

N.& K. Davies, Norwich

“At the age of 35 we decided to start a family. Unfortunately I had two miscarriages and when I had some check-ups I found out that my FSH was 11.9 aged 39. I also tried IVF but it didn’t work either. I was reading a lot and I decided to try acupuncture as my last resort. I started looking for an acupuncturist and my choice was with Kate McDougall. After just one session on a specific day I fell pregnant and had first 12 weeks acupuncture appointments and 9 months later miracle happened in our family – our daughter was born!

My husband and I to date still use Kate's treatments for our ailments with great success.”

N.& K. Davies, Norwich

“We had 3 failed rounds of IVF behind us and felt that it was time to stop trying as we are ‘older’. P’s cousin came to us and confided that she had been to see Charlotte for help with conceiving her daughter. We had no idea! We were a little apprehensive about opening that painful box again but Charlotte was so positive whilst being very realistic. We felt that we would give it one more go so that we knew we had tried everything.

10 months, lots of homeopathic remedies and a few dietary changes later, we conceived our gorgeous little boy. Our family is now complete.”

E&P, London

“We had 3 failed rounds of IVF behind us and felt that it was time to stop trying as we are ‘older’. P’s cousin came to us and confided that she had been to see Charlotte for help with conceiving her daughter. We had no idea! We were a little apprehensive about opening that painful box again but Charlotte was so positive whilst being very realistic. We felt that we would give it one more go so that we knew we had tried everything.

10 months, lots of homeopathic remedies and a few dietary changes later, we conceived our gorgeous little boy. Our family is now complete.”

E&P, London

“Supportive, kind, understanding, extremely knowledgeable, no-nonsense, funny, gentle, patient, open, honest, invaluable.....these are the words that come to mind when we think of Charlotte.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for never giving up on us, when many had and for helping to make our dream come true and bring Lilia Charlotte Rose in to our lives.”

E&H, Suffolk

“Supportive, kind, understanding, extremely knowledgeable, no-nonsense, funny, gentle, patient, open, honest, invaluable.....these are the words that come to mind when we think of Charlotte.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for never giving up on us, when many had and for helping to make our dream come true and bring Lilia Charlotte Rose in to our lives.”

E&H, Suffolk

“I was recommended to see Charlotte by a friend at work. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my late teens and was told to expect fertility problems and after 5yrs of trying, I was resigned to having to go through IVF to conceive. My sister had been to see Charlotte for hormone imbalances and suggested I had a chat to her. Charlotte explained everything involved in her fertility programme and I was really impressed by how in depth everything was.

Not only did I fall pregnant within 9 months, I felt completely supported through my pregnancy and I have never felt healthier despite the lack of sleep!”

NV, Halesworth

“I was recommended to see Charlotte by a friend at work. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my late teens and was told to expect fertility problems and after 5yrs of trying, I was resigned to having to go through IVF to conceive. My sister had been to see Charlotte for hormone imbalances and suggested I had a chat to her. Charlotte explained everything involved in her fertility programme and I was really impressed by how in depth everything was.

Not only did I fall pregnant within 9 months, I felt completely supported through my pregnancy and I have never felt healthier despite the lack of sleep!”

NV, Halesworth

“After several miscarriages, we thought we would never be parents. No one could find a reason why it was happening, so we decided to try a different approach and found Charlotte. She was really understanding and sympathetic and for the first time we felt really listened to. She went through everything including what we ate, even chemicals that we were in contact with on a daily basis! She went through everything with a fine toothcomb and organised a toxicity and mineral analysis.

The test results showed I had a higher than average level of a mineral which was potentially causing an imbalance and a slightly high level of a heavy metal. She gave me lots of remedies to take and some lifestyle advice and 4 months later, we conceived again. It was such a happy time but also one filled with anxiety.

I continued to see Charlotte for regular sessions throughout my pregnancy and she was there every step of the way, supporting and reassuring. I got to 12 weeks, the furthest I’d ever been and after the scan we were so overjoyed. We are now the proud parents of a healthy little boy and I am 6 months pregnant with our second baby.

Thank you Charlotte aka Sherlock Holmes!”

A&D, Ipswich

“After several miscarriages, we thought we would never be parents. No one could find a reason why it was happening, so we decided to try a different approach and found Charlotte. She was really understanding and sympathetic and for the first time we felt really listened to. She went through everything including what we ate, even chemicals that we were in contact with on a daily basis! She went through everything with a fine toothcomb and organised a toxicity and mineral analysis.

The test results showed I had a higher than average level of a mineral which was potentially causing an imbalance and a slightly high level of a heavy metal. She gave me lots of remedies to take and some lifestyle advice and 4 months later, we conceived again. It was such a happy time but also one filled with anxiety.

I continued to see Charlotte for regular sessions throughout my pregnancy and she was there every step of the way, supporting and reassuring. I got to 12 weeks, the furthest I’d ever been and after the scan we were so overjoyed. We are now the proud parents of a healthy little boy and I am 6 months pregnant with our second baby.

Thank you Charlotte aka Sherlock Holmes!”

A&D, Ipswich

“Thank you Charlotte for all you have done for us. Without you, your knowledge and your endless support and not forgetting those fantastic remedies - we don’t think we would be where we are now. You have done for us what many couldn’t - made us parents.

There are not enough words to express our gratitude.”

G&D, South Walsham

“Thank you Charlotte for all you have done for us. Without you, your knowledge and your endless support and not forgetting those fantastic remedies - we don’t think we would be where we are now. You have done for us what many couldn’t - made us parents.

There are not enough words to express our gratitude.”

G&D, South Walsham

“My husband and I tried to conceive for 3 and 1/2 years with no joy. I knew I would find it harder as I had only one fallopian tube after a ruptured ectopic pregnancy many years before but after a year of trying, I went to my GP. Long waiting ensued until eventually a specialist scanned me and provided the extra blow that I also had PCOS and that bloods showed I was not ovulating. The NHS put me on a first course of Clomid a year and a half into first trying to conceive and it was at this time that I started going to acupuncture sessions with a different practitioner in Norwich. I had fortnightly sessions throughout the 3 cycles of Clomid. Whilst I was ovulating in these cycles, I did not conceive.

The specialist then recommended IVF treatment at Bourn Hall in Cambridge and I continued my fortnightly acupuncture sessions alongside reflexology, supplements which I had read about, exercise and a cleaned up diet. Our first IVF produced lots of eggs but a small number of poorer quality blastocysts.

After picking ourselves up we started the 2nd attempt 5 months later with renewed vigour. It was at this time that I came under Kate's care for acupuncture. Kate took me firmly (but reassuringly) in hand and examined my diet, exercise and supplement regime in detail and gave fantastic advice I'd never got before. I popped in to the clinic one Saturday when my husband and I are were at a very low ebb and just needed some reassurance, Kate took the time to ease our cares without us booking an appointment for which I know my husband was very grateful and despite not being a 'believer', concluded I was in very good hands after meeting Kate.

In this 2nd cycle under Kate's care, the blastocyst quality for all was top notch. However, we got a negative result. I still continued going to Kate after this blow and continuing her advice whilst prepping for a FET. Well, we didn't have to wait long - 20 days after this failed 2nd cycle, I became pregnant naturally! This was about 4 months into my time with Kate. I am now 24 weeks pregnant and I still can't believe it. The future looked grim - one tube and I probably only ovulated occasionally. I loved acupuncture at the time for the relaxing time out aspects which I needed in a busy schedule as a teacher. It soothed me and gave me purpose. I was not sure how much I believed it was 'fixing' my messed up hormones and cycle but now I am convinced it really did.”

S. Ward, 34 Norwich, 2013

“My husband and I tried to conceive for 3 and 1/2 years with no joy. I knew I would find it harder as I had only one fallopian tube after a ruptured ectopic pregnancy many years before but after a year of trying, I went to my GP. Long waiting ensued until eventually a specialist scanned me and provided the extra blow that I also had PCOS and that bloods showed I was not ovulating. The NHS put me on a first course of Clomid a year and a half into first trying to conceive and it was at this time that I started going to acupuncture sessions with a different practitioner in Norwich. I had fortnightly sessions throughout the 3 cycles of Clomid. Whilst I was ovulating in these cycles, I did not conceive.

The specialist then recommended IVF treatment at Bourn Hall in Cambridge and I continued my fortnightly acupuncture sessions alongside reflexology, supplements which I had read about, exercise and a cleaned up diet. Our first IVF produced lots of eggs but a small number of poorer quality blastocysts.

After picking ourselves up we started the 2nd attempt 5 months later with renewed vigour. It was at this time that I came under Kate's care for acupuncture. Kate took me firmly (but reassuringly) in hand and examined my diet, exercise and supplement regime in detail and gave fantastic advice I'd never got before. I popped in to the clinic one Saturday when my husband and I are were at a very low ebb and just needed some reassurance, Kate took the time to ease our cares without us booking an appointment for which I know my husband was very grateful and despite not being a 'believer', concluded I was in very good hands after meeting Kate.

In this 2nd cycle under Kate's care, the blastocyst quality for all was top notch. However, we got a negative result. I still continued going to Kate after this blow and continuing her advice whilst prepping for a FET. Well, we didn't have to wait long - 20 days after this failed 2nd cycle, I became pregnant naturally! This was about 4 months into my time with Kate. I am now 24 weeks pregnant and I still can't believe it. The future looked grim - one tube and I probably only ovulated occasionally. I loved acupuncture at the time for the relaxing time out aspects which I needed in a busy schedule as a teacher. It soothed me and gave me purpose. I was not sure how much I believed it was 'fixing' my messed up hormones and cycle but now I am convinced it really did.”

S. Ward, 34 Norwich, 2013

“After having a child from a previous marriage at 30 I had moved on with my new partner and wanted to try for a baby. It was 10 years on from my first child and I was now a woman of 40. Having tried naturally and fallen pregnant on two occasions I was devastated when both the pregnancies ended in early miscarriages. I consulted my GP who advised that, due to my age and that I had a previous child, I would not be eligible for any assistance under the NHS.

Saddened by this we decided to obtain private healthcare assistance. We were advised that if we considered IVF then we would have a chance of success but with a donor egg. We discussed this and decided that this was not an option and it was at this point I decided to look at alternative solutions. I therefore looked on line and discovered the Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership. I made contact and had the consultation with Charlotte and Kate and decided to give it a go. I had to make a massive change to both diet and lifestyle but one that with the guidance of the NNFP felt natural and felt I was taking a positive step towards obtaining my goal. I took homeopathic and herbal remedies, had acupuncture and tried to adopt a more positive attitude attuned to nature.

After 8 months on the programme I found myself pregnant! Charlotte's support continued throughout my pregnancy. On the 26/ 04/2014 at the age of 44, I gave birth (naturally) to a beautiful healthy baby girl, named Rosa! Charlotte and Kate are both amazing people extremely knowledgeable in their fields of expertise. I would strongly recommend and endorse their programme and can honestly say that I would not have had this miracle baby without their help and for that I will be eternally grateful to them.”

A.M, Norwich, 2014

“After having a child from a previous marriage at 30 I had moved on with my new partner and wanted to try for a baby. It was 10 years on from my first child and I was now a woman of 40. Having tried naturally and fallen pregnant on two occasions I was devastated when both the pregnancies ended in early miscarriages. I consulted my GP who advised that, due to my age and that I had a previous child, I would not be eligible for any assistance under the NHS.

Saddened by this we decided to obtain private healthcare assistance. We were advised that if we considered IVF then we would have a chance of success but with a donor egg. We discussed this and decided that this was not an option and it was at this point I decided to look at alternative solutions. I therefore looked on line and discovered the Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership. I made contact and had the consultation with Charlotte and Kate and decided to give it a go. I had to make a massive change to both diet and lifestyle but one that with the guidance of the NNFP felt natural and felt I was taking a positive step towards obtaining my goal. I took homeopathic and herbal remedies, had acupuncture and tried to adopt a more positive attitude attuned to nature.

After 8 months on the programme I found myself pregnant! Charlotte's support continued throughout my pregnancy. On the 26/ 04/2014 at the age of 44, I gave birth (naturally) to a beautiful healthy baby girl, named Rosa! Charlotte and Kate are both amazing people extremely knowledgeable in their fields of expertise. I would strongly recommend and endorse their programme and can honestly say that I would not have had this miracle baby without their help and for that I will be eternally grateful to them.”

A.M, Norwich, 2014