Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership

Fertility pregnancy and beyond
Appointments: 01603 555206 | Email Us


Hypnobirthing is, simply put, the complete tool kit for working with your body to birth your baby.
For many of us, the birth of our child will be the only time we enter a medical establishment when there is absolutely nothing wrong with us (unless we are there to visit someone else)! We are predisposed to the role of patient and the idea that we are there to be treated and often our care givers, with our best interests at heart, are prone to this model too.
Birth is different.
Hypnobirthing sessions are centred around you and your partner, helping to educate you about the way in which your amazing body will work in labour and how you can both support the process. You will be taught a range of practical and mind/body tools and techniques to assist you on your birthing day and, in the last 20-30 minutes of each session, your practitioner will guide you both into relaxation, helping you to master the skill of self-hypnosis.
Our Hypnobirthing practitioner trained with the Official HypnoBirthing Institute and has been a member for the past ten years.

Kerry Dolan:
Phone: 07748660703

Private Class: £100 for each 2 hour session.
Shared Classes: A total of  £275 for 5 x 2.5 hour group sessions.


Hypnobirthing can help with the following:
An understanding of and therefore confidence in the birthing process
Appreciation of the importance of removing fear from the birthing room and ways to achieve this
Tips and techniques for birth partners to use to support the birthing mum
Breathing techniques to assist the birthing process
Training in self-hypnosis techniques to manage any pain or discomfort
Positioning for birth

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