Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership

Fertility pregnancy and beyond
Appointments: 01603 555206 | Email Us

Pre-IVF/ICSI seminars

Our regular seminars cover the basics for improving your overall fertility and getting the most out of an upcoming round of IVF. These are particularly suitable for couples who feel they cannot commit to the full fertility programme yet still want guidance on the small but significant changes to make on their own.

They run on Saturdays every 3 months throughout the year. Morning topics include essential nutrition and lifestyle changes for men and women, natural ways to increase your response to the IVF medications and techniques to help manage any side effects. The afternoons are given over to stress and relaxation activities.  Although part of the discussion relates to IVF, the seminars are also suitable for couples still trying to conceive naturally.

To book a place on the next fertility seminar please email [email protected]

(Currently fully booked until winter 2020)
“Thank you Charlotte for all you have done for us. Without you, your knowledge and your endless support and not forgetting those fantastic remedies - we don’t think we would be where we are now. You have done for us what many couldn’t - ma...”