Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership

Fertility pregnancy and beyond
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< Previous ‘C’ is for Calmness

From early on in your pregnancy you may suffer with constipation. This is perfectly normal and due to the hormonal changes your body is going through or perhaps due to the progesterone supplementation involved after IVF. The hormone progesterone slows down the muscle contractions of the intestinal wall, making it harder to push food through. Food moves through your body more slowly allowing for more fluid re-absorption by the bowels.You might even find that eating some types of high fibre food makes things worse! Bulking agents like bran should be avoided as should anything which expands or soaks up water. The increase in size of the uterus is also thought to exert some pressure on the bowels, further constricting the space. Although constipation is something that will naturally resolves itself in time –  it can leave you in quite severe discomfort and a chronic bad mood after a few days, leaving you wondering what all that talk about a ‘pregnancy glow’ was about!

We find Reflexology works for many women who despite doing all the right things are still experiencing discomfort. Reflexology encourages things to get moving gently – most women report relief from their symptoms within 24 hours and that with regular sessions, an overall reduction in pain and bloating.

In addition to treatment there are lifestyle changes that can help too including:-
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Eating a diet high in fibre such as prunes, beans, pulses, lentils and vegetables
  • Eating smaller meals but more frequently
  • Regular exercise to keep everything moving – walking is wonderful as is Yoga.
  • If you’re taking an iron supplement ensure that it’s a natural non-constipating formula, such as Floradix

Reflexology is suitable at any stage in pregnancy – ring clinic reception to find out how San can help you.